Monday here was hot/humid and early in the evening a sever weather front passed with strong winds and heavy downpour of rain.
The result was a hydro power outage that took place at 8.30 pm and the power didn't return until 7.30 the next morning.
Needless to say, that evening was very uncomfortable with the heat, humidity and in addition no wind.
However,that was bearable!
In the bedroom, pitched dark; there was a very load buzzing sound coming from the screened window. With the use of a Flash Light, I noticed the screen was full of ravenous Mosquitoes trying to get in to feed off me!
The screen window didn't keep out all of them.
So, I spent a sleepless night swatting Mosquitoes!!!
After Wednesday Evening, the blood sucking hoard diminished to a bearable level.
But, as you can see from the photos above, there were some beautiful mornings and some incredible sunsets.
That makes life here still fantastic!
So, what do you do when the bugs are so bad?
You eat more than you should also do your grocery shopping.
Luckily, I only go shopping every two months.
I truly dislike "civilisation"!
The only other time I have to leave here is every 5 weeks to get meat for the dogs.
Luckily, the dogs are not affected by the bugs and that can only be accredited too the garlic powder added to their feed on a daily basis all year long.
The dogs are still enjoying chasing the Butterflies and digging craters in the sand mostly under their houses which occasionally fall into the newly dug apertures.
This week the heavy winds did fall a couple of trees into the kennel.
Other than startling the dogs, no dogs were injured and no damage done to their houses.
Thank goodness for chainsaws!
Until next week........