So far the pesty bug population has not yet exploded. But it will, as the Black Flies made a introductory appearance at the end of the week. The Swallows seem to be keeping the mosquitoes at bay with their morning and late day foraging. The frogs are continuing their nightly chorale, however it is dwindling in numbers. I have witnessed more activity with the Heron as they forage for food to feed their young. The leaves are just starting to appear on the Birch Trees. Soon the wild flowers will be in full bloom.
The female dogs are having fun digging holes and nesting. Only, to dig a new one the next day and thus filling in the hole from the day before. This is funny to watch, as their heads seem to disappear into depth of the caverns they are digging with their feet in an escalating flurry and the sand flying behind them.
When everything is too their liking, they lay down in their newly constructed nest. Cobalt is eating like crazy but not showing to many signs of her pregnancy yet. However, the whelping pen has been readied for the upcoming event.
Until next week......