Yes, this is the year that Winter did not want to end!
However, we have had nice warmer temperatures this week and great warm/sunny days that has caused the snow to melt very quickly on the plowed areas and the heavily travelled areas.
Same too in the kennel, where the snow is melting quickly. Especially on the Males side in the kennel which is getting the benefit of the warmer afternoon sun.
This is also the time of year, that the kennel needs the start of the Spring clean up. Trenching in the frozen ground to relieve water build up from the melt and cleaning the last of the Winter straw out of the dog houses.
With all the snow off the roofs of their houses, the dogs are laying down on the roofs soaking up the nice warm sun and relaxing.
Many more birds are arriving, the flies are hatching and the butterflies are now fluttering around teasing the dogs. Also the squirrels are busily scurrying around looking for materials to make their nests preparing for the birth of their young.
I saw some Robins the other day and heard a Woodpecker.
Yes, it a great time here seeing and experiencing the forest awake after its long Winter nap.
Until next week.......