First, the weather was variable with beautiful sunny days early in the week. Rainy/ stormy weather in the middle of the week and ending in sunny days.
The dogs in the kennel are getting used to hearing their new team mates (puppies) as they make their presence known. They are all excited and happy to hear the puppies..
The puppies are all doing well and the final count is four males and two females. All are healthy and eating very well.
Indigo is a great mother and finding out how demanding puppies can be!
Right now their schedule is eating, sleeping and very active when Mom is away from them. As you can see in the video they can be very active. Already some are showing signs of walking. They have doubled in size since they were born and even the smallest one(Lloyd) is catching up to his litter mates.
There is a new video of the puppies on the Puppy Page and there will be updates there though the next few weeks.
It is a great time here.
Until next week.......