Spring has finally arrived here, about one month later than normal.
The sounds of the song birds, the northern migration of the Canada Geese, the arrival of some very hungry Hummingbirds and the nightly songs of the mating frogs.
The ice on the lake finally went out last week and after the rains this week the last visage of snow has disappeared.
The lake levels are high. But, we are located at a height from the lake that there is no problem here of flooding.
The melt here was very slow, leaving the kennel nice and dry with no water problems.
The dogs are enjoying the Sun and are leisurely laying out basking in its warmth.
The dogs have switched to a new meat supplier and are doing great on the new meat mix (60% chicken & 40% beef).
We have a new family of Fox that decided to build their lair and have their Kits in the forest between the lake and the kennel.
It has taken a while for the dogs to get used to hearing their young at night when the parents are out hunting.
Last week, I saw the young ones playing and that night the mother came up on the deck for a visit.
Love Spring time here in the forest!
Until next week........