The Hummingbirds have returned and are having a feeding frenzy here at the feeder. It is amazing how these little creatures can be so territorial and possessive of their feeding station. Although all get their fill, they will case others away from their food source. For little birds, they can give hours of entertainment with their aerial skills as they fend off their fellow Hummingbirds at the feeder.
The evenings are filled with the sounds of the frogs serenading and calling for mates.
Along with all the entertaining creatures in Nature, the Spring also brings the annual hatching of the Black Flies and Mosquitoes.
With living so close to a swamp, there can be an abundance of these annoying creatures.
However, there is a product that can make this time of the year bearable.
Thermacell is a unique product that once turned on will keep these annoying bugs away. It can be used outside or inside with great effectiveness and does not produce harmful smoke that burning the Mosquito coils do.
It has no sound or smell and is a must for those of us that live here in the forest.
The Winter cleanup is just about finished here with the kennel cleaned, the harnesses all washed/readied for the next season and the vehicles being serviced.
Sunday was a once in five week run to St. Thomas (close to Joliette a 2 hour trip one way from here) for 20 x 55 lbs frozen blocks of beef/chicken mix for feeding the dogs. At the same time, some human supplies are also picked up saving another trip out of here.
It is only once every 5 weeks, but it seems like such a chore to leave the comfort of the forest to endure civilization.
We finally had a little rain last night. But, not near enough for the very dry forest.
This is a very dangerous time for forest fires, especially with more city people coming up to enjoy the Nature.
Even with all the snow through the Winter, the forests are very dry now and vulnerable to fires.
The dogs are enjoying their off time chasing Butterflies, soaking up the Sun and playing with each other.
Until next week.......