The Black Flies and the Mosquitoes have returned for another year.
They are very aggressive at this stage and can be very annoying.
The good news is the Black Flies will be gone for another year around the first of July and the Mosquitoes will be less aggressive in a few weeks.
But, that is life in the forest!
This week, we had some harm/humid weather earlier in the week and a major thunder/lightning storm on Thursday night that knocked out the hydro for several hours.
However, through all the darkness, Mother Nature entertained with a spectacular light show accompanied by some thunderous busts of sound, strong winds and heavy downpours of rain.
After the first burst of thunder, the dogs all hunkered down in their houses to wait out the storm. They were not impressed with all the commotion.
The news this morning was sad with the announcement of the passing of Muhammad Ali. He had a great influence on my life.
RIP, Muhammad Ali, you were the greatest!
On a lighter side, I have introduced a new page "Tails From The Trail"! This page will give you a glimpse of some of the humouress sides of Dog Mushing.
I hope you enjoy!
I would also like to introduce you to the works of a gifted young artist from France, Lila, who through her works delivers an introspective I find very refreshing. Through her cartoon drawings, she expresses the personality of her dogs like no others. Soon, she will be setting up her own web site where you can view more of her works: Oil Paintings, Wood Burnings, Drawings, Charactures and a bi-monthly Cartoon Feature on her life adventures with and without her dogs. When the web site is ready, I will post it on my Links Page.
Until next week........