Although Summer is a nice break, the hot/humid weather and the flies don't necessarily mix well with the mushing lifestyle.
The dogs are getting more hemped up everyday as the nights here are getting cooler (10C) and with the new diet, they are ready to go!
They are digging more holes and more excited anticipating the new season.
Slowly everything is getting in place here with plans being made for what races plan on attending and setting the calendar to mark down the dates.
Next, will be setting up the training plan to prepare the dogs for those races.
If all goes well, it should be a fun/exciting season.
The yearling from last year (Blue/Indigo Breeding) are looking great and after their performance last season, should be ready to perform.
The way things look now with a combination of experienced leaders, mature and young dogs, we should be able to produce a very competitive team with lots of depth.
Yes, it is the same the beginning of every season, the dreams of the musher are high.
Now, do everything possible to produce the desired results.
That is the job of the musher!!
Until next week......