After a four day layoff due to warm temperatures, training/conditioning returned on Wednesday.
I am so happy on how quickly the teams are running as a well coordinated units.
They are already running like the end of last season. The speed is the only difference, that is being kept down during this conditioning period to prevent injuries. This is a normal process here and it has resulted in injury free seasons in the past.
This is not the time to be racing in practice!
To quote Jim Welch," fast dogs will always be able to run fast". It is the mushers job to regulate the speed to the condition of the dogs!
Patience is very important when working with Sled Dogs!
The temperatures this week were only cold enough for running early in the morning on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
This forced us into running three days in a row. The dogs handled it without any problems. As a matter of fact all three runs were equal in performance!
These athletes always amaze me!
Now the dogs will have two days off before the next training run.
Three weeks ago, we started increasing the volume of feed as well as changing to higher fat mixture.
I am very pleased with weight of the dogs with the exception of a couple that are hard to put weight on. Some are naturally slimmer do to their genetics.
Until next week.......