With Clement's help, we were able to complete running two teams in two hours.
That means from getting the equipment ready, harnessing/hooking up the dogs completing the run, snacking /watering the dogs after the run , returning the dogs to their homes in the kennel and then repeating the same procedure with the second team and finally putting away all the equipment after the last run.
I love efficiency and organization!
Even though the number of runs are down from previous years, the dogs are progressing nicely.
We have four of the Yearlings (Libby, Lilly, Lance and Louis) in the "A" Team and they are fitting in with the experienced dogs as if they have been running for many years.
Lloyd and Levi are in the "B" Team. I wanted Lloyd to run with his kennel neighbor Darth as I thought this would make a good pairing and it has. Eleven of the fourteen dogs in the "B" Team could all run in the "A" Team. Two of the others are still a little inconsistent on their training runs.
Levi's problem is that he has not yet learned to pace himself with the rest of the team. He has a tendency to work to hard /fast in the beginning of the run and ends up tiring himself out before the end of the run. Due to this, we need to stop and rest the team on the run to give him an opportunity to recover. I decided to run him behind Willy, the most experienced dog in the kennel, to learn to pace himself. After only two runs, I can see Levi improving and getting into sync with Willy and improving his stamina.
Levi is also the biggest of the yearlings and still growing. He is still a little immature physically and mentally. His father, Blue, was the same at this age.
Blue developed into one of the best most dependable dogs in the kennel.
Patience is priority in working with young dogs for their development.
The weather forecast is for heavy rains and strong winds for the next three days and then colder temperatures with a chance of snow.
Hopefully, we soon be able to get on a regular running schedule.
Until next week........