Thursday & Friday, we had to keep the speeds down due to the warmth.
However, the dogs are running great and we have been able to get Tira & Yoda some time up at Lead.
Both are doing great and showing good focus at the lead position.
Over the last few weeks of training, we have been having squirrels out performing their version of Extreme Sports. They seem to be having a competition to see who can cross the trail as close to the Lead Dogs as possible.Thursday, a squirrel ran, so far, the closest to the Leaders and just luckily for it and us the Leaders of Kira & Yoda ran right by it without breaking stride. If that had been Venus & Indigo at Lead, we would have been heading into the forest to chase it.
It has been said that" Mushing is handling the unforeseen"!
Last week, we went supplies shopping leaving here at 7.30 am and returning at 5 pm. We only stopped at three stores to stock us up for a minimum of 2 months. The closest store to here where we shop is 2 hours away.
Life of living in The Northern Forest require good planning to ensure the nothing is forgotten.
With my love for shopping and travelling into civilization, once every two or thee months is enough.
Now Sunday, we have to go back down to pick up 50 blocs of 50 lb each of frozen beef for the dogs. One more trip in December for meat for the dogs and we should have enough stock to last us through to March.
Until next week......