Last week was the time to try new dogs at lead and see who will be next season's applicants for more lead training.
This season the development has been working with Louis at lead and he is turning into a super leader running with Kira.
We have also been working with Zoe's dog Saphir at lead and she is proving to be a great young leader and will be the basis of Zoe's kennel and eventual Racing Team.
This week, we ran Hok'ee, Pippin, Lloyd,Lance and Levi up at lead.
All the dogs did great wanting to stay up front and lead the teams back home.
We usually start new leaders on the return trip to the kennel as they know they are going home and will get their treat at the end of the run.
It is important to make their first run up front a positive one!
I was especially impressed with Levi who drove hard setting a fast pace and with no distractions.( levi is running at the right with Kira on the left in the above video)
Lloyd did great as well getting a little distracted when we passed plowed entrances to other chalets. Other than that he drove hard and will with more runs turn into a good leader.
Lance also did well driving hard at times and will be better with more confidence with more runs. He ran with his sister Lilly who is quite dominant and can be a little intimidating. He will probably run better paired with Kira on future runs.
All of the "L" litter run lead with at least three of the dogs being Super Leaders!
Pippin was the big surprise as he tends to be inconsistent in the team at wheel.
He is a very calm, laid back dog and doesn't really show the attitude to be a leader.
However, when he was placed at lead, he was very focussed and pulled very hard the whole way home. When stopped, he held out the line and showed he was very comfortable at lead running with Bergen.
Maybe, I was running him in the wrong position all this time.
You never really know who will like running lead unless you try them.
Hok'ee has run lead before and is very focused and comfortable in the lead position.
Next season will be interesting as I will be able to alternate at least three pairs of leaders in the "A" Team and two pairs of leaders in the "B" Team.
of the 18 dogs here only 4 don't run lead and I have yet to try Merry who is always a hard driving dog in the "A" Team.
Overall, it was a very interesting and exciting week here at Miortuk!
Until next week.......