This week, we had two snow storms pass here one on Tuesday leaving about 3" of wet snow & on Friday into Saturday another 10" of wet snow! However, with the mild temperatures, the snow is melting quickly. From Friday's storm, only about 3" is left.
However, the forest was beautiful with its fresh blanket of new snow.
Our Winter visitor, the Ermine (Wally) was in the basement again this week looking for food & playing games of hide & seek with me. He is quite comfortable around me & is fun to watch. Wally's main diet is mice, so he is a welcome guest & a great mouse trap. After his visit, he leaves the chalet & seeks food outside in his territory. He is now starting to change the color of his coat from Winter white to Summer brown.
Saturday, I gave Tepeu & Yaluk their booster vaccination. They will be four months old on the 20th of April. They are growing into beautifully built & very energetic young dogs.
Soon we will be introducing the Hobbits to pulling in harness. That should be a lot of fun!
Until next week.........