Firstly, the dogs have to have the desire to run their best every run.
Secondly, they need to have the drive to perform at top speeds.
Thirdly, the team has to display the dependability to perform together on every run to allow them to have the confidence to run at high speeds.
Of coarse, the speed has to come from the Leaders to set the pace for the rest of the team to follow.
Without top performing Leaders, the team couldn't perform to its potential.
You know that your team is performing to its best, when you can see the same consistency on every run. I am not just talking about the speed as that will very on the conditions (weather, trail etc) and , as a musher, not asking them to give their top speed on every run.
Yesterday, both the "A" Team & the "B" Team and the 4.5 miles with only 2 seconds difference in time with an overall time of 15 minutes.
The "C" Team ran with Valintine (Handler) with a sled clocking speeds of 28 km/hour.
It is a great feeling to see all the dogs performing and giving there best.
Running dogs never gets boring!
Every run is exhilarating!
Until next week......