The dogs are settling in very quickly to their training routine.
It always amazes me how fast they adapt to team running.
It is very important at this time to keep the speeds down to do proper conditioning and not over stress the muscles with going to fast.
A muscle injury at this time of the season could put a dog out of action for the balance of the season.
Now it is slow and easy!
The above video was filmed using Chloe's GoPro Camera mounted on the harness of Yoda, one of our Leaders.
Her and Indigo stay calm until they start to run.
Both Chloe & Leo have adapted to life here and are a great help with the dogs.
They have quickly mastered the routine with harnessing and getting the dogs hooked up in the teams.
The weather here this week has been a mix with rain, snow flurries, warm and below zero temperatures.
All are runs are completed in the morning to ensure the coolest temperatures for safely running the dogs.
Until next week.......