It has been a great month here training the dogs for this season. We are having the best start in years with the number of training days, accumulative miles and great dogs to work with. I am very happy with the progress of the teams. they are a real pleasure to run.
It has also been a busy month here with visitors and far to many trips to Montreal.
I find it more difficult to leave the comfort of the forest for even short trips into civilization with all its madness.
Due to truck problems and other obligations and complications, we were only able to get in two days of training this week. Thanks to the assistance of Cecile here visiting for a couple of weeks, we got the two days training this week and scheduled to get in four days next week. That is if the weather co-operates due to warmer weather in the forecast.
Early morning training runs will be in order.
Luckily, daylight savings time ends tomorrow so it will be light an hour earlier.
Enjoy the video!
Until next week.......