We got out this week for two days running both the"A" Team & the "B" Team.
I am so pleased with the performance and continued enthusiasm of all the dogs.
Even with the extreem temperatures and the running, we have been able to keep them with a good running weight.
This week Lance got to run again at Lead and you can see (in the above video) he is getting more comfortable at that position. He and Kira make a good pair at Lead and will only improve next season.
On Saturday, Manon had a her first ever run by herself with the dogs in a 4 dog team.
She did very good and had a nice fast run on a beautiful trail.
This week, all the handlers left here to continue their adventures in Canada.
They did a great job here with the dogs and dealing with the abundance of snow this winter.
Their help was gratefully appreciated!
Until next week......