This week more warm weather during the days and rain Thursday and Friday is speeding up the melt here.
The lake this morning was showing some water around the edges and some wet spots on the ice. Probably by the end of next week the ice will be gone until next Winter.
The slow melt has been good as not to cause water flooding in the kennel. That along with raising the dog houses after every snow storm, allows the houses to slowly sink with the snow melt leaving the houses high and dry.
The dogs are doing great enjoying the Sun and for recreation chasing the squirls that are teasing them with their scurrying around.
Quebec has announced this week, the gradual re-opening of travel restrictions imposed due to contain the spread of COVID19.
Luckily this area has been spared, so far, from this virus.
Although life here hasn't really changed, it will be nice to know the we can go out for supplies for the dogs.
Every day the Raven visit the kennel after the dogs are fed to clean up any food that was spilled at feeding.
The dogs are very used to them and don't bother them even though they intrude on their territory.
Isn't it interesting how species will get along here in the forest.
Maybe humans could learn from them.
Until next week.......