This has, so far, been a crazy Spring with weather!
Last Monday, woke up to a skating rink of ice due to rain through the night and then freezing temperatures.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Mornings snow with sunny skies and above freezing temperatures in the afternoon.
Yesterday and today, beautiful sunny skies with below freezing temperatures overnight and nice warm temperatures through the day.
The dogs are wondering, "what the heck is going on?".
However, they are enjoying their Spring with laying out on the roofs of their houses and sunning.
These types of temperatures are perfect for the annual production of Maple Syrup.
A rite of Spring here in Quebec!
Along with the annual visit to a Cabane A Sucre for a feast of a gigantic breakfast/lunch of everything with maple syrup.
Oh, the decadence!
A "Must Do" if you are ever in Quebec in the Spring!
Until next week.......