Sunday was a beautiful Spring day for running the dogs, below 0 Celsius & Sunny, Monday more snow and Friday sunny with 20 Celsius time to sit on the deck having a beer and enjoying the sun!
The last half of the week has been warm and sunny causing the snow to melt. However, there is plenty of snow left and at this rate will still be here in May.
Sunday was the perfect Spring day running the dogs with cold temperatures, sunny skies and hard packed trails.
We were able to get three teams of puppies out for possibly their last run this season on snow with the sled.
All three teams performance was incredible!
The three teams, without pushing them, ran the three miles in 9 minutes 10 seconds,9.21 and 9.25! They were just running at their comfort speed.
All the puppies were great, running with enthusiasm and enjoying themselves. Happy puppies!
Happy Musher!
There are videos of their runs on the Puppies Page and the Training Page.
I am so excited with the performance and attitude of the puppies from Blue & Indigo.
Until next week......