It was great working another season with Cecile and seeing her develop as Musher/Racer.
Merci pour tout votre travail acharné!
But, for now, it is just me and my canine family here at Miortuk.
With the season winding down and plans already in the works for next season, it is time for me to relax and reflect on the season past.
There are plenty of videos to review to remember the season and help the planning for next seasons pairings.
To sit complacent is to regress and I have high expectations for next year with the experience the dogs received this season and the knowledge I obtained.
Meanwhile the dogs are enjoying the sunshine and warmer temperatures in the afternoon as they sunbath, some on the roofs of their houses.
We received about 4" of snow last Monday. Thursday: snow storm in the early morning, blue skies in the afternoon and rain through the evening along with more snow this morning.
Winter is slow at releasing it's grip here!
Tomorrow off to pickup the dogs meat order of 1380 lbs of frozen ground beef and 605 lbs frozen ground chicken.
Nothing for the Musher!
Dogs first and musher second.
Above is a nice video of the Open Team Training with little Kira at lead and below a few photos of the beauty here this morning.
Until next week......