This week, we experienced an extreme mix of weather here at Miortuk.
From warm/sunny days, heavy/wet snow, overnight rain and then cold sunny days.
Although it has been frustrating not being able to run the dogs, it is the best decision for the health and safety of my canine companions.
Earlier in the week the trails were very punchy with the warm temperatures caused by the snow melt (a continuation of last week's melt and loss of 20/30cm of snow) with parts of the trail covered with water and other areas a sheet of ice.
Mid-week rain and then a temperature drop to below freezing made the trails now hard but icy.
However, the warm temperatures allowed us to continue to do clean up in the kennel after the extreme volumes of snow we experienced the end of February and the beginning of March.
This time in the kennel was well spent giving us a great opportunity to spend more quality time with the dogs petting and interacting with them.
It is always fun playing, petting the dogs and enjoying each others company.
Hopefully the snow that is in the forecast for next week is correct and we can get back out running the dogs.
As far as the racing for this season goes, it is finished for us.
We didn't get to any races this year either due to cancellations or expected poor trail conditions at some of the races ran. The two races that had good conditions were missed due the weather here and the heavy amounts of snow that prevented us from getting out of here and then the lack of training to prepare the team for the race this weekend.
The safety and the health of my dogs are paramount with me and racing is secondary.
Although it has been frustrating not getting to even one race this year, the season has been a great one.
I will recap more on the accomplishments of this season in future posts.
Until next week........