However, that was not the biggest challenge of the week. My handlers(Joe, Rebecca and Jack) were out walking Roxy, when she went off the trail and came in contact with a Porcupine that was sleeping under a fallen tree.
Poor Roxy got the worst of the encounter with a mouth full of quills.
We quickly loaded her and ourselves in the truck and off to Joliette to get her to a vet. This is a 2 hour drive from here!
The vet worked on Roxy for about an hour and half removing the quills.
I want to thank Joe, Rebecca and Jack for their quick actions and concern for Roxy as well as the vet Dr.Elise Faribault including all the staff at Hopital Veterinaire de La Laurentie Inc. for their excellent work.
We found only a few small quills that worked their way out over the next couple of days which were removed here at the kennel.
Roxy is doing great and back to normal.
Jack Trigg left here on Wednesday to continue his adventure across Canada.
Jack was great help here with the Fall Training and a lot of fun.
I would also like to introduce Rebecca Sansotta and Joeffrey Flory from France that joined the Miortuk Team in early November.
Starting last Friday night through late Saturday afternoon, we had rain here and the temperatures dropped well below freezing Saturday night turning the trails into an icy mess. It wasn't until Thursday night that we received enough snow to safely run the dogs.
We got the dogs out running on Friday and Saturday with two teams per day and 7 mile runs on both days.
The dogs are really looking great and performing equally as well.
Until next week.......