It was a good week here for training the dogs getting in four days running with two teams/day. The run on Saturday was especially great with the new snow on the trail. All the dogs are now running great and their enthusiastic attitude is resulting in quicker runs.
We had an adventure on Thursdays run with the first team. On the return trip, we stopped for a scheduled rest and then to our surprise the front six dogs took off down the trail on their own. THE GANGLINE BROKE!!
Luckily,I had Coyute at wheel & she has run some lead . So, I placed her at the front of the remaining six dogs with Goliate( who has never run lead) and flew back to the kennel. There were the front six visiting with Willy at his house. All ended well & I maybe found a couple of new leaders.
It is a beautiful sunny day here today!
Until next week......