EARLY MORNING BLISS IN THE NORTHERN FOREST! Clear blue skies and a calm lake mirroring the reflection of the sky and the surrounding pines is typical of the early morning view from my chalet. This is certainly a tough way to start the day. The peace and the serenity of the forest makes for a very relaxed atmosphere and a great start to a new day.
The early morning and late days quiet has been interrupted by the sounds of large flocks of migrating Canada Geese. Their V formations glide through the sky on their journey north.
The new Spring vegetation is starting to bud and is an early preview to dense forest vegetation that will follow. The Humming Bird feeder is filled with nectar and awaiting their arrival. The evening serenade of the Loon echos across the lake breaking the nightly silence.
Natures rhythm is a beautiful thing.
The dogs are enjoying the warmer weather and relaxing while occasionally being disturbed by passing vehicles. Cannelle is getting quite large and there is now no doubt that she will be having puppies soon. She is very sappy now and looks forward to her daily attention from me.
Until next week.......