Yes, Spring is here with again this week with beautiful warm weather. The warm sunny days along with a little rain has hastened the melt of the ice on the lake. If this weather continues, the ice will be all gone by the end of next week.
Half the kennel is dry and free of ice as it receives the afternoon sun. The other half is melting more slowly. The dogs are just lazing around soaking up the warm rays of the sun. This is a great time for them as there are no flies yet. The Black Flies normally return around the end of May.
The frogs are stating their nightly serenade marking the start of their mating season.
A few ducks have returned from their Winter in the south. I also saw a Blue Heron last week. They nest in the swamp close to the chalet.
As you can see from the photo, Blackie is also enjoying his daily one on one time with me.
This is a great time of the year seeing the forests rebirth.
Until next week......