The weather improved on Tuesday and through the balance of the week with seasonally normal temperatures here. However, this morning we woke up to -29C outside with the hydro working and a nice warm chalet.
The photo was taken from a video shot by Xavier C.
We got in three training runs on the Sprint Team after last weeks race and the dogs all performed great. They were enthusiastic and ready to go. This week, I observed that the dogs had developed into a cohesive unit after a weekend of racing. It is wonderful to see the team become a single unit. This was one of the goals for this season, with 9 of the 14 Sprint Dogs being Yearlings and in their first year of running, another 3 being their first year running/racing with me and another his first season at lead. This year, we truly have a rookie team! Also the driver is a rookie to running this caliber of Sprint Team.
Yesterday, my neighbor Dominic's Bother-In-Law & Sister-In-law came here for their first ride with a dog team. Stephanie had arranged this as a birthday surprise for Guy. So, we took out the Distance Dogs for the run. It was a cold, crisp day with nice blue sky for a 5 mile run on the lake. The dogs enjoyed the run and so did Stephanie, Guy and Dominic's 4 year old son Anthony. On the last half of the trip, I turned over driving the team to Kara for her first run with a team on a sled. She did great handling a 7 dog team for her first run.
There is also an update to YouTube of a copulation of stills taken from a video shot with a new Mino HD Flip Video Camera supplied by the management of
Costco, Terrebonne. Thank you for the great camera, we will get better using it with practice.
Until next week........