First: The sad loss of three members of our family, Aurora, Apache & Riglis. They are gone but are certainly not forgotten. We enjoyed many miles & adventures together.
Second: The change that is taking place here at our kennel as we change the venue from Distance Mushing to Sprint Racing.To make room for the conversion Steven Pluigers adopted Clyde, Star, Nancy, Charlie, Polaris, Mickey and Butch. He is a new musher that has come a long way in a very short time and has handled all the adjustments presented to him & passed with flying colors. Yesterday, he emailed me regarding his first run with a sled. It sounded very exciting.Come next week, Carl Routhier will be coming to pick up Stormy, Sky, Lynus, Thunder & Lightning to start his adventures with sled dogs. Carl will also learn the highs & lows of starting a new life adventure with mushing. I feel with time, he will be as successful as Steven.
Third: This year there was also some new additions to the Miortuk Team with Goliate, Cosmos, Max, Teal, Cobalt, Indigo & Blue.
Fourth: There was great progress made by the young dogs: Lizzy, Annie, Katie, Sophie, Vicky, Nicky & Willy. These dogs are all preforming well and will be part of this years racing team to give them experience for next season.
Fifth: I would also like to thank my many neighbors that are showing me support in a disagreement with one neighbor that is trying to cause problems for my canine family & me.
We are looking foreword to 2011 with all the changes that has taken place and to see all these efforts come together along with addition of the two puppies Indigo & Blue. It should be a very exciting year.
Since the last posting, training has continued, only now with the new racing sled. It didn't take long to get used too the new sled & how it handles. We also hooked up the 12 dog racing team for the first time (together & with the new sled). It was a very exciting ride enjoying speeds that I have never experienced before.
Due to lack of snow & hard/fast trail conditions, we made a change to our training using two teams of 8 dogs, for the safety of the dogs. This was not what we would like, however the trail conditions dictated the change. We are also running the teams 10 miles an outing.
We have one more week to prepare for our first race of the season and the weather is not cooperating with the training. Last night, we received freezing rain, today rain & tomorrow rain. Next week, we are forecasted to receive some fresh snow.
So, again from all of us at Miortuk Kennel. We wish you a happy & wonderful 2011 from "The Northern Forest".
Until next week........