This week the warm, humid weather returned and is giving us the last taste of Summer. This week the Fireweed has gone to seed and if folklore is correct, we will see the first snow in six weeks. It that happens, it will be the earliest that I have seen snow since I moved here over fifteen years ago.
The dogs are all looking good carrying good body weight, retained muscle tone from last season and nice glossy fur. The black coated dogs fur actually shines in the sunlight. Their attitudes are all good with them playfully trying to catch the Butterflies and being tormented by the wild rabbits. The rabbits know just how close they can get to the dogs safely and I swear they are actually playing games with the dogs, especially the dogs that have more pointer in their back ground.
Spent a good weekend visiting with some friends that came up to their chalet. Some great company, great BBQ and a great time cruising the lake on Phil's boat.
The dog I would like to introduce this week is Hok'ee.
It is ironic that Hok'ee was a very shy puppy and was the last one to be chosen win the arrangement I made with another musher on a shared breeding. As it turned out Hok'ee was the fastest one of the litter to adjust to running/racing and has developed into being the best dog of the litter.
Hok'ee is a strong, very focused running with a great desire to please. He is a very easy going dog in the kennel and gets along with all his kennel mates.
Over the last couple of seasons, he has proved to one of the top dogs in my Open Team.
He is a good eater, drinker and a very low maintenance dog.
In the kennel, he loves attention and has difficulty standing still as he gets so excited when anyone approaches him.
Hok'ee will again be a instrumental member of my Open Team this coming season.
Until next week........