Tuesdays run tested the focus of the "A" Teams leaders, Venus & Kira!
Shortly after the start of the run a Partridge decided it was a good idea to take flight right in front of a charging team of 10 dogs!
Have seen other Partridge fly up at the side of the trail, try walking across the trail, but never fly in front of the team.
If you look at the video closely, you will see the Partridge (briefly) lead the team in it's daredevil stunt!
Due to the focus of Venus & Kira, the team never broke stride and continued their run as if nothing had happened.
It was so close to the leaders, I thought they were going to have a Partridge for a snack.
Lucky bird and great Leaders!
This week, we had a mixed bag of weather with warm temperatures, nice hard packed trails.
Friday was a different story with rain, freezing rain and then wet snow leaving the trails with thick undercoating of ice!
The result was only three days of running. However, we ran the 7 mile run on Thursday instead of Friday.
The dogs are handling the increased mileage without any problems and are finishing with plenty of enthusiasm.
The dogs are well conditioned and are now showing their speed capacity.
Until next week........