As you can see from the above photos, you are never alone here with the mosquitoes to my canine family, I am not alone!
Yes, this is a little humor! But, one has to have one (sense of humor) when dealing with the early Summer abundance of flies.
As a side note: swatting mosquitoes and houseflies is great for improving your hand/eye coordination and reflexes.
This week, the focus here was stormy weather and flies. With all the dampness/humidity the insect population exploded.
We are currently enjoying Black Flies (just about finished), Horseflies (big ones), Deer Flies, Houseflies and of course Mosquitoes!
Although these critters are annoying, their presence normally don't last too long and if protected don't bite.
The dogs are not bothered this year by most of the flies with the exception of the Horse Flies that try to bite them. Luckily they are not in abundance.
The dogs are enjoying their refurbished kennel with all the fresh new sand.
Makes digging that much easier!
With the wet weather, cooking makes up for the dreariness!
Always a bright side!
Another positive, it is with great please to announce the Jack Trigg will be joining the Miortuk Team for the 2017/18 season.
Until next week......