The "B" Team is also showing consistency with each run. However, this is the team that we have been working with new Leaders. On this particular day, both teams ran the 4.5 miles in under 15 minutes. The difference in times between these teams was less the 10 seconds. On this day, Louis/Tira at Lead, Pippin/Lance at Point and Hok'ee/Lloyd at Wheel. Louis, Lance and Lloyd are Blue's sons.
The "C" Team is also running consistent runs only a little slower due to Bergen's age and she is a little slower now. Bergen has been my race Leader and a top Leader here in the kennel all her life. She is now 10 years old and although she still loves to run only now a little slower.
Tepeu & Saphir would like to run faster, probably as fast as the "A" & "B" Teams.
However, this is just the first season that Saphir has run Lead for the whole season. Tepeu/Saphir at Lead, Sam at Point and Bergen/Frodo at Wheel.
The weather here has changed with warm temperatures and some rainy days. The snow on the trails are now bare in places and ice on the balance.
The running here is finished for another season.
It has been a great one with a lot of wonderful times running these amazing athletes.
Valentin ( handler) left here last week for more adventures here in Canada.
Valentin has been a great help here, thank you!
Until next week......