Life here at Miortuk is no different!
Last week we had to make some emergency changes, we handled them with calm and made the necessary moves.
Due to the Covid-19 virus, Zoe had to return to France before her scheduled departure to catch a flight home before the airports shut down.
The good news is she arrived home safely.
Luckily before she left here , we got out to run the dogs.
The above video is of her running the 8 dog team.
Zoe was an excellent student and learned a lot about life here in a mushing kennel.
Not only about the dogs, but also about the simplicity of life here in the forest with Nature.
Due the need for her rapid departure, she had to leave her dog Saphir here until she is able to return and take her back to France.
The last run here was in a snowstorm that dropped another 20+ cm of wet snow.
This could have been the last run of the season here as we received rain all day Thursday followed by freezing temperatures making for icy trails.
So now, like the rest of the world we are staying at home and in isolation.
However, the isolation here is not new for us and we are well prepared for at least a month with plenty of provisions for the dogs.
On a positive note, this is a good time for all to take stock and realize what is really important in life.
We don't need all the luxuries we thought was necessary and now it is time to appreciate a more simpler lifestyle.
Here, Nature goes on as usual with the birds singing, the squirrels scurrying around looking for food, the Raven making their daily visit and the rest of the animals carrying on with life as normal.
Stay safe and take time to count your blessings.
Until next week.......