Firstly, we received over 12" of new snow here this week & that coupled with frigid temperatures made for grooming beautiful trails.
Although we have the new snow, we don't have a good enough base to use the sled as the snow hooks won't hold yet. The snow hook serves the same purpose as an anchor for a boat. We have now converted from using a Quad to using the Skidoo.
We were able to get in another 4 days of training with two 12 dog teams each day. The teams are looking good and very enthusiastic for each run.
On Thursday, Valerie & Laurent Gonsolin came here for a visit & to run dogs. They trained two teams of 14 dogs on both Thursday & Friday.
Friday was a busy day running 4 teams starting at 9 am & finishing by 12 noon.
Secondly, it was the first time this season we had to deal with such a large volume of snow in one drop. We had to cancel our shopping trip on Wednesday, as we only got as far as Saint Michel after driving through, or should I say plowing through, a foot of unplowed snow for 36 km. After returning to the Chalet, I spent the next several hours plowing out here.
Thursday Cecile & I ran an emergency trip to Joliette to get food for the dogs while Julia stayed here preparing a sumptuous US Thanksgiving Feast.
That night was a great time indulging in fantastic food, the company of good friends and lots of interesting "musher" conversation.
There are also updates on the Handler/Trainee & Training Pages.
Until next week.......