We also had several days of rain and warmer weather this week that contributed to the disappearance of the snow and ice in the kennel
As of today, there is only a few patches of ice left in the kennel. These areas were covered with straw which protected the ice from the sun and rain.
This week more flocks of Canada Geese were migrating north and the Loon have returned to the lake.
The sounds of Spring resonate through the night with mating songs of the frogs and the love cries of the Loon.
Lena was supposed to have puppies on May 19. However, I don't think that is going to happen as you can see in the photo. She is a little overweight, as she was getting extra feed in case she was pregnant
It is only four and a half months before we start Fall Training.
So, starting this week, we decided to introduce the dogs for next seasons teams.
ROXIE is the first dog to be introduced and ironically the newest dog in the kennel. Roxie is an experienced race leader, running in both the Open & 8 Dog Classes. Last season, we realized that we needed an experience race leader to help support a great group of our young leaders.
Roxie quickly made herself at home here with an incredibly friendly personality. You can not walk by her without stopping to pet her.
In the team, her personality changes to being very serious and all business.
With Roxie at lead, we expect she will lead our Open Team to the next level in competition.
Until next week........