The puppies are just over 7 weeks old now & are growing rapidly. Their individual personalities are starting to show & it is fun to see them interact with each other. My friend Rosaire was here yesterday & made his pick of the puppies ( as we are dividing the litter between us as he supplied Tony & I supplied Cobalt ). He picked two males(Hototo & Honaw) and one female (Honovi). He made some good picks are we are both happy with the results.In the "Puppy" section their is a family portrait of the Pups at 7 weeks old.
We had another crazy week of weather with storms & rain. This also caused a Hydro outage Wednesday night Around 7pm until Thursday at 1pm. However, the forest needed the rain as it was getting dry. A long power outage is a little unsettling as all the meat for the dogs is kept in freezers.
One of my neighbour,s friends landed his airplane on the Manawan road on Saturday when he came to visit. This certainly added some excitement.
Until next week.......