Thanks to the work of Denis Tremblay, a good friend and fellow musher, the kennel was transformed and refreshed in only 6 hours!
That meant all the dogs were moved out of the kennel to stake out chains, all the houses and pins removed from the kennel. Kennel then leveled, 12 dump truck loads of new sand brought in, then the new sand spread/leveled, pins and houses reinstalled and finally dogs returned to their newly refurbished kennel.
A remarkable job!!!
Merci Denis, I am so grateful!
So are the dogs with nice new/fresh sand to dig in.
Now keep it raked daily to fill in their excavations.
You got too love it!
We had a few beautiful sunsets as seen in the above photos.
Also this week, hot humid weather brought out an incredible abundance of mosquitoes.
Just horrific!!!
But, on the good news, the Dragonflies have hatched and are busily eating up the pesky mosquitoes. With a bumper crop of mosquitoes, they have their work cut out for them. Dragonflies will eat up to 15% of their body weight daily.
It is interesting how Nature takes care of itself.
This week Lena went to a new home were she will be run and bred. Lena is a big female and her new musher is looking to produce larger dogs. This was the best move for her. She was a great Wheel Dog here and her work ethic was greatly appreciated.
I would also like to thank Valerie and Laurent Gonsolin for their assistance in making this relocation happen.
I am a lucky musher!
Until next week......