The weather this week has been more Summer like with warm to hot/humid days and nice cool nights.
We even had a Thunder Storm go through here on Friday Morning!
However, the change in temperature has also brought out the Black Flies!
It seems that one/two weeks after the frogs start their nightly mating serenade, the Black Flies make their appearance here in the Northern Forest.
Well this is all normal and by the first part of July, they will be gone for another year.
As you can see from the video, I have some nice fire wood for a Bonfire when the weather conditions is right. As of the present, the forest is very dry and we have only had a brief down pore of rain on one day in the last two weeks.
The dogs are relaxing enjoying the warm temperatures and some are actually sunbathing.
The rabbits have made an early morning appearance and their presents adds to the excitement for the dogs.
Last week, the Hummingbird feeder was installed and within an hour, the first visitors arrived.
Enjoying the peace and tranquillity!
Until next week......