Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, every day is new experience.
This week was another week enjoying the adventures here in the forest.
We had some nice warm sunny days and finished the week with a couple of rainy ones.
The rain is welcomed as the forest was getting dry and needed the moisture to help prevent forest fires.
One day this week, I was privileged to observe the family of Fox that have moved their home from the den by my kennel to under the garage of my neighbors.
It was a half hour of pleasure witnessing this young family with their mother perusing their daily routine. The mother came towards me acknowledging my presence and then continued on with her hunting and playing with her young.
I witnessed her bringing a fresh caught squirrel to her young feeding them. Already with the pups you can see the pecking order with the dominant getting the first taste of the fresh kill and then she made sure the others all shared in the meal.
From what I could see, there are 6 in the litter and are currently the size of a 6 week old husky pup. The males already are more of a reddish color and the females more brownish.
The young were all aware of my presence and were nor afraid to let me observe them as they explored, played with each other and snuggle up to their mother.
It was a beautiful experience, unfortunately I had no camera to capture it.
It is only in my memory.
Until next week.......