The dogs are certainly enjoying the cooler temperatures at night and are smart enough to have little activity during the hot days. They due enjoy the shade of the forest & their houses. It is important to constantly monitor their hydration & keep them well watered. With the heat/humidity the House Flies are back attacking their ears. This seems to be about a month early. Thankfully with the use of Swat, I am able to keep the flies from bothering the dogs.
On a cooler note, over the next few weeks, I am going to introduce the team for this upcoming season. Above are this years rookies: Halona, Hurit (impossible to get her to stand still for a good photo), Hinto & Hok'ee. These dogs are all one year old (Yearlings) and this will be their first year training/racing. All these dogs had some harness training in the Spring. However, running in a team will be a new experience for them.
Until next week.........