Michele, who was here during the 2013/14 season, is enjoying her time here visiting with the dogs and just soaking up the the bush life before returning to her university studies in September. The dogs are enjoying her attention and especially the Hobbit Litter that she seen grow up here from puppies. It is amazing how the dogs all remembered her.
This week, I would like to introduce Perle. The photo above shows her running lead (left) with Max in her first race at the lead position last season at St. Luc.
Perle is a natural leader who is not distracted when she is running. She handled the crowds of spectators and passing other teams like a pro.
In the kennel, she is a very quiet dog and loves attention.
We will be relying on her more at the lead position,running with Roxy, at the races this coming season.
Until next week........