The mosquitoes & the Black Flies arrived late this year due to the cold weather experienced this Spring. However, with the harm/humid weather last week coupled with the rain, we are experiencing larger numbers of the pesky critters!
Luckily the dogs, although being bothered, are not being bitten. They avoid the flies by digging in the sand under their houses or by hiding in the houses.
The exception being when they are trying to catch the odd Butterfly teasingly flying through the kennel. It is amazing that they fly down the center aisle where the dogs can't reach them driving them crazy!
It is very humorous to watch.
The Hummingbirds are back feasting on the feeder. They are very territorial & ward off unwanted guests. They make their nests in the pines in front of the chalet.
The Purple Martin have returned & nested in the house over the garage door. I would expect the young will be hatched soon. It is a treat to hear their early morning song greeting a new day.
Ah yes, the simple pleasures of life in the forest.
Until next week.......