The remaining two puppies are doing great & Tanya is being a good mother. As you can see in the video, the puppies are starting to take their first steps. It is hard to beleave that 8 months from now they will be running in a team. They grow so quickly. They are 14 days old today. There is another video on the Puppy Page showing their first attempts at walking.
This week another four new dog houses were built & it is planned to have another four or five completed by next weekend. Once all the pieces are cut, it takes only 6 hours to assemble two.
We had our annual party here at the Lac Charland on Saturday evening and it was great to visit with a number of my mushing friends that I haven't seen since last winter. It is hard to beleave that another season of running the dogs will start in a month.
Until next week.........