This week was the monthly trip out of here to get supplies for the dogs and myself. Although I enjoy the outing, it is always great to get back home in the forest.
The hustle and bustle of city life is not for me anymore!
An outing here is leaving at 9 am and this time returning at 5.30 pm, this trip includes 6 hours of driving just to get supplies.
If it wasn't for the need to get meat for the dogs, I wouldn't even go out monthly.
Life here in the forest is routine with spending time with my canine family, having a morning coffee outside listening to the buzz of the Hummingbirds visiting the feeder above my head and quietly observing Nature's activity of the forest inhabitants.
Listening to the sounds of the birds and in the evening the nightly cores of the frogs.
The trees are starting to bud and the forest showing signs of a rebirth after a long Winter.
To some this may seem boring!
But for me, it the pleasure of a stress free life!
Until next week.......