Zoe contacted me to come here to learn more about Sled Dogs, Training, Feeding, etc; so she could go back to France and start her own kennel.
Since Zoe has been here she has really embraced the reason for a Handler/Trainee.
Reading my book several times (in both French & English), Reading George Attles book and reading Mush A Beginners Manual.
She has asked a lot of questions and has been very observant on all the training runs with the dogs which I enjoy answering.
Zoe has learned and performed all the duties expected with enthusiasm and a positive spirit.
Zoe has a very positive attitude and mixed in with a humorous spirit.
Since here, she purchased a Racing dog from a top Sprint Kennel here in Quebec and we have been training her dog with the dogs here since late December.
Zoe started running here own team here starting with 2 dogs and quickly graduated to a 4 dog team.
Zoe is going to be a great musher, in my estimation, as she has the passion, great contact with the dogs and prioritizes their needs before her own.
It is a great pleasure working and mentoring her.
This is what I want to see from a Handler/Trainee.
It is a great season working with Zoe.
Merci Zoe!
Until next week......