Although the weather has started to turn cooler, it is still too early to expect these temperatures to last.
This coming week the forecast is for temperatures back into the mid/upper 20's during the day and mid teens through the night.
Here at Miortuk, we look at starting our conditioning/training schedule the first of October. The reason for this is the temperatures are getting more consistent with early morning reading being below 10c. Also the first race of the 2019 Schedule is not until the end of January.
The schedule here starting in October will have the teams ready for the first race.
I also feel it is harder on the dogs to start too early and then have to lay the dogs off for several days and even a week due to warm temperatures. You could imagine giving children candies for a week and then suddenly cutting them off the sweets. They would not be happy!!
The same goes for the dogs, getting them all excited to run and then abruptly stopping training due to warm temperatures.
Patience is important!
Soon the conditions will be right and the new running season will begin here at Miortuk.
Until next week.......