After 6 days without running, the dogs were crazy to go!!!!
We trained both Thursday & Friday and spent Saturday plowing.
On Thursday, we tried Louis at lead for the very first time.
He was absolutely amazing, he took the position with great attitude and was running with enthusiasm the whole way.
He was hard driving and is proving to be a speed Leader.
He is in the above video running on the right side with Kira on the left.
They look to be an awesome pairing with each trying to outrun the other.
That "L" Litter (Blue/Indigo) has turned out to be a great litter producing two fantastic leaders and three more potential leaders.
Indigo at ten years old is still running lead and doing a great job.
Indigo's father was Brandy a top Leader was still winning races at the age of twelve here in Quebec.
Leaders produce leaders!
Right now of the 18 dogs in the kennel 11 are leaders.
You can never have enough Leaders!!!!
Until next week......